Facebook Aims to Soothe Wall Street Over News Feed Changes – The New York Times

Ingen tvivl om hvad formålet med ændringerne i Facebooks newsfeed har til formål – stadig stærkere og mere følelsesmæssig involvering for at styrke forretningsmodellen.

“With the adjustments to what it shows on its site, “I believe that the time spent on Facebook will be more valuable,” Mr. Zuckerberg said in a conference call with analysts. “If people interact more, it should lead to stronger community. When you care about something, you’re willing to see ads to experience it.”

”The company said its revenue surged by 47 percent to nearly $13 billion in the fourth quarter from a year earlier, while profit rose 56 percent to $4.3 billion.

Kilde: Facebook Aims to Soothe Wall Street Over News Feed Changes – The New York Times