Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse – Eudaimonia and Co

Sociale patologier er en strålende beskrivelse af symptomerne på et samfund i kollaps.

“And that is my last pathology: it is one of the soul, not one of the limbs, like the others above. American appear to be quite happy simply watching one another die, in all the ways above. They just don’t appear to be too disturbed, moved, or even affected by the four pathologies above: their kids killing each other, their social bonds collapsing, being powerless to live with dignity,or having to numb the pain of it all away.

Kilde: Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse – Eudaimonia and Co

Children are tech addicts – and schools are the pushers | Eliane Glaser | Opinion | The Guardian

Lad os omsider få standset illusionen om at der er vigtig læring i at bruge en ipad.

“Children need to be prepared for the future, we are told. But companies don’t want children who learned PowerPoint aged 10, they want employees who know how to think from first principles. All those mind-numbing software programs will soon be obsolete anyway. Most coding classes only teach children to assemble pre-made building blocks.”

Kilde: Children are tech addicts – and schools are the pushers | Eliane Glaser | Opinion | The Guardian

Facebook should be ‘regulated like cigarette industry’, says tech CEO | Technology | The Guardian

Hvor er det befriende, at det endelig bliver sagt højt og tydeligt af folk med magt og indflydelse!

“I think that, for sure, technology has addictive qualities that we have to address, and that product designers are working to make those products more addictive, and we need to rein that back as much as possible,” he added.

Kilde: Facebook should be ‘regulated like cigarette industry’, says tech CEO | Technology | The Guardian

George Soros: Facebook and Google are a menace to society | Business | The Guardian

Så bliver det sagt helt fra toppen.

“The power to shape people’s attention is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few companies. It takes a real effort to assert and defend what John Stuart Mill called ‘the freedom of mind’. There is a possibility that once lost, people who grow up in the digital age will have difficulty in regaining it. This may have far-reaching political consequences.”

Kilde: George Soros: Facebook and Google are a menace to society | Business | The Guardian

Keep Your Head Up: How Smartphone Addiction Kills Manners and Moods – The New York Times

“The social scientist Sherry Turkle analyzed 30 years of family interactions in her book “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other.” She found that children now compete with their parents’ devices for attention, resulting in a generation afraid of the spontaneity of a phone call or face-to-face interaction. Eye contact now seems to be optional, Dr. Turkle suggests, and sensory overload can often mean our feelings are constantly anesthetized.”

Kilde: Keep Your Head Up: How Smartphone Addiction Kills Manners and Moods – The New York Times

A mad world: capitalism and the rise of mental illness | Red Pepper

“Experiences of social isolation, inequality, feelings of alienation and dissociation, and even the basic assumptions and ideology of materialism and neoliberalism itself are seen today to be significant drivers – reflected in the titles of a number of recent articles and talks on this subject, such as those of consultant psychotherapist David Morgan’s groundbreaking Frontier Psychoanalyst podcasts, which have included discussions on whether ‘Neoliberalism is dangerous for your mental health’, and ‘Is neoliberalism making us sick?’”

Kilde: A mad world: capitalism and the rise of mental illness | Red Pepper

Lobbyekspert: Fnyser av teknologigigantenes skolesatsinger – DN.no

Lad os håbe at danske uddannelsesinstitutioner ikke lader sig forføre til at give techgiganterne magt på uddannelsesområdet.

“– Dette handler jo først og fremst om å befeste sin konkurranseposisjon i markedet ved å låse flest mulig mennesker til Facebook sine teknologiske løsninger. At norske unger er dårlige i matematikk, handler mest om å finne på et passende påskudd. Teknologiselskapene lever godt på at mange politikere har et veldig naivt syn både på sektoren og disse selskapenes enorme makt, sier Raknes.

Kilde: Lobbyekspert: Fnyser av teknologigigantenes skolesatsinger – DN.no

Hjernen på overarbejde

Udmærket måde at beskrive hvad der sker i hjernen, når vi lader alarmsystemerne styre. Omend deltagerne manøvrerer udenom den åbenlyse forbindelse mellem denne adfærd og den udbredte stress. Samt de politiske dimensioner for en kultur, der lader mennesker domineret af hjernens “trusselssystem” have magten. Et samfund styret af “komodovaraner”, der har slået det præfrontale kortex fra er jo tydeligvis ikke nogen særlig velfungerende størrelse…

Den menneskelige hjerne er slet ikke beregnet til den type hverdag, som vi har i dag. Det er faktisk umuligt for den at håndtere alle de indtryk og input vi får nonstop. Der er alt for mange ting, som den hele tiden skal reagere på og tage stilling til.

Det overload gør, at I nogle tilfælde, så reagerer hjerne på det forkerte indtryk, og dermed går andre vigtige ting vores opmærksomhed forbi. Fx er vi blevet dårligere til at lægge mærke til, hvordan andre mennesker har det, da vores hjerne hele tiden er i gang med andre ting.

Det sker, når vores hjerne er i ubalance – og den menneskelighed, som er årsagen til, at vi har så stor succes som art, har svære vilkår, når hjernen er i overload. Det er budskabet fra forfatterne til bogen ‘Hjernen på overarbejde’, som vi har besøg af i 55 minutter.”


Kilde: Radio24syv | Hjernen på overarbejde