Inspiration og fællesskaber

Time well spent : We are building a new organization dedicated to reversing the digital attention crisis and realigning technology with humanity’s best interests. Our world-class team of deeply concerned former tech insiders and CEOs intimately understands the culture, business incentives, design techniques, and organizational structures driving how technology hijacks us.  Together, we can can get technology platforms to stop hijacking our minds and start putting our well-being first.

Children’s screentime action arbejder for en sundere barndom med mindre tid tilbragt med digitale devices.

Center for Humane Technology er det netværk og center startet af Tristan Harris, Roger McNamee og andre tidligere medarbejdere i tech-industrien, der råber vagt i gevær mod det afhængighedsskabende design, der har fået lov at dominere. Og arbejder på at udvikle strategier for mere menneskeligt orienteret teknologi.

Common Sense Media – et site med inspiration til et sundere medieforbrug for børn.

Samtidens akademi arrangerer samtalesaloner – Akademiet går ud på at vi sammen genfortryller vores tilværelse, arbejdspladserne, møderne og samfundet. Første skridt er hverdagen.

Duemosegårdsamtalerne er et andet forum hvor ildsjæle og støtter  mødes for at drøfte fælles anliggender i et perspektiv mod en overgang til det kommende bæredygtige og retfærdige samfund, som mange af os arbejder for.

The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.

Around the world, the Leap manifesto – and the process behind it – is serving as a model for how to build new alliances and powerful momentum around a just transition. In the United States, organizers from the Bernie Sanders campaign are exploring it as a path to engage a generation of supporters with a progressive platform that is not attached to an individual candidate or party. It has inspired the Scandinavian Green Manifesto for Europe, as well as sister Leap initiatives in Australia and the U.K. – New Dream empowers individuals, communities, and organizations to transform the ways they consume to improve well-being for people and the planet.

The Dark Mountain Project is a network of writers, artists and thinkers who have stopped believing the stories our civilisation tells itself. We see that the world is entering an age of ecological collapse, material contraction and social and political unravelling, and we want our cultural responses to reflect this reality rather than denying it.

Læs deres stærke manifest, der bl.a. har denne passage :

“The myth of progress is founded on the myth of nature. The first tells us that we are destined for greatness; the second tells us that greatness is cost-free. Each is intimately bound up with the other. Both tell us that we are apart from the world; that we began grunting in the primeval swamps, as a humble part of something called ‘nature’, which we have now triumphantly subdued. The very fact that we have a word for ‘nature’ is [5] evidence that we do not regard ourselves as part of it. Indeed, our separation from it is a myth integral to the triumph of our civilisation. We are, we tell ourselves, the only species ever to have attacked nature and won. In this, our unique glory is contained.